Monday, April 16, 2018

What is entertaining me these days!

There's a used book store in Arcadia, The Book Rack, that I really enjoy.  Saw this there, and the proprietor recommended it.  So I rented it from them - they have bestsellers for rent too - the ones you can't find in the library!

It was a good read - I like to get my history from historical novels - the keep my interest better!

It's a well-told story - and since I'm also reading Ron Chernow's Hamilton - lots of the details came alive.

I did not know James Monroe was such a jerk!  Leslie said she thought we might not like a lot of the founding fathers if they were alive now.  

That's an interesting thought!!

Never thought I'd be recommending a "horror" movie - but I would argue that it's not really horror - scary in parts and deeply disturbing - but not horror.

Well made, superbly acted, skillfully filmed, a visual feast at times - you might want to check it out - it doesn't really have a "happy" ending - but it does have a "good" ending!

But the "Previews of Coming Attractions" - now they were horror - horrible indeed!  Who watches those films anyway??

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Latest Grisham!

I'm not sure how much longer I will read Grisham novels - they seem to get more unbelievable all the time - I can only suspend my disbelief for so long you know!

They are certainly a quick read anyway!  Perfect airplane fiction.

I am also disturbed by the gratuitous sleaze he keeps adding - he didn't used to - and it isn't really essential.

And I rented it at the Book Rack yesterday - and returned it today!  

Record read time anyway!