Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Leslie's Contribution

Leslie sent me this email message - and I thought I'd post a picture to go with it - this is from '75 or '76 I think.

"Thanks, Barbara, for the wonderful tribute. I have been thinking about all of you over the past few weeks. I have come up with a little list of things that Clayton girls do really well. 1) Make chocolate chip cookies. 2) Frost graham crackers. Believe it or not, many people do not know of this delicious treat! 3) Clean bathrooms. Actually, a lot of people don't do this very well. 4) Iron. I will not wear wrinkled clothing! 5) Hang clothes on a clothes line. This is not hard of course, but not done too much anymore!

I love you all, Leslie"


Eliza said...

You are right about the chocolate chip cookies. YUM. I have tried to duplicate them but I think I have a couple of ingredients wrong in the recipe. Fortunately I recently found a fabulous chocolate chip cookie recipe that is very easy; perhaps I should pass it along.

Also--good point about the bathrooms. It's true, not everyone cleans their bathrooms very well. I'm glad that Mom showed me the straight and narrow when I was an impressionable young lass. (Not that it's as clean as it should be but I do try.)

Phoebe said...

I guess one could say that the Terrill Girls are good at the same things that the Clayton girls are good at.
Except, I would add, we read, A LOT.

bonny with a Y said...

leslie you forgot to add - Staying up late.

and i love my sisters and my aunts (and you too mom!)