Friday, September 28, 2007

Kids say the darndest things . . .

So we're reading The Diary of Anne Frank, and we are going over vocabulary.

And the word is "fatuous" - and one boy eagerly waves his hand as the class nods in agreement.

"It means, like, passing gas." Look of triumph on said boy's face.

After the laughter subsides, and I give the correct definition, the class looks somewhat doubtful, although they do know that I have a real facility for vocabulary. They believe me, but I think they are disappointed.

That they are wrong? That they weren't able to "put one over on me?" That "flatuence" won't figure in the story?

I'm pretty impressed that they know the meaning of "flatuence!"


Eliza said...

this made me laugh.

grannybabs said...

Dad just pointed out that I spelled "flatulence" wrong.

I'm amazed no one else spotted that error.

And that he took so long to point it out.