Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A SoCal Tuesday - in Pasadena!!

I'm here in Pasadena - at the Court House - reporting for jury duty.  I followed all the instructions and did the orientation online.  Then checked in and was told to report at 9:30 this a.m.  So I came at 9:20 - and the clerk tells me that the orientation got a late start - maybe I should go down to the "cafe" and chill till 10 or so!!

I'm happy to do my civic duty - but every time I come for jury duty, it's a "hurry up and wait" kind of scenario!!

I brought a book and some crocheting - but the "cafe" is like a school cafeteria - I need a comfy couch!!  Not to mention all the lawyers who are consulting with their clients in here!

Trying to see the bright side - instead of making sub plans every night for a week until getting called, I only had to do it one night!!

If anything exciting happens, will let my readership know about it!

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