Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Busy reading - to Boston and back!

Our recent junket to Boston for the marathon afforded me lots of time to read - what a vacation!!  It's my idea of heaven!!  The Goldfinch was a strange kind of book - a little "rough" for me in the language department and depictions of drug use - but the story was gripping - I had to skim over the "bad" stuff to keep the story line straight.  But it was a compelling mystery - don't want to spoil it for anyone!

This one, My Name is Resolute, is by Nancy Turner, the woman who wrote These is My Words.  She may not be a great writer, but she can tell a good story with all the historical facts straight - and there is something to be said for that!  I personally believe in getting my history from well-researched novels.  This one qualifies. Starts in the West Indies in the late 1600's - ends with the Revolutionary War.

This one may be "chick lit" or not.  It's not especially well-written, but there is a compelling plotline.  It is excellent airplane fare!

I have loved the writing of Ivan Doig since I read The Whistling Season - I have read all 16 of his novels - except for the one that is coming out in August.  And when I heard of his death last week, I was truly saddened.  

I knew I had not read his work of non-fiction - not sure why, just didn't think I'd like it as much.  So I promptly put This House of Sky on my Kindle - and now I wonder why I thought it wouldn't be as good as his novels!  It is a beautiful memoir - and actually having read his other books, I can see how his life influenced his writing.

One of the reasons I can tear through so many books so quickly is because I can skim very effectively.  If the descriptions don't advance the plot, I tend to skip them.

When Ivan Doig writes, I don't want to miss one word - I read all the descriptions - it is as if the details in the setting are part of the story - essential to the meaning.  

I will truly miss his work - and look forward to his final novel in August.

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