Friday, July 31, 2015

49 and 50 - check!!

When Kindle only charged 99 cents for this book, it should have thrown up a red flag for me!!  But alas, I am so hard up for reading material while recuperating from the kidney stone surgery, that I took the bait.  It's as bad as you might expect.  The story had some good "threads" here and there, but they seemed to have little relationship to one another.  It's about a young woman going West, traveling with a wagon train run by Mormons - who happen to be less than stellar individuals.  That's only one thread - but you really don't want to bother with this one!!

I really like Sandra Dallas - I keep thinking I've run out of stuff by her to read, but this one turned up - and she has a new one coming in October - so I'm pretty excited.

This is set in Colorado and the mining era - it does call for some "willing suspension of disbelief" but it's still a good read.  I like the way her stories come together at the end.  I mostly like that I think I've guessed the ending - and I'm wrong!!

On to 51 and 52 - and I will have read 52 books this year.  I should have challenged someone!!

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