Thursday, September 17, 2015

Seminary - 70's style!

I was having a conversation with Sue Cornwall, a friend in our ward who also happens to have taught 4 of the 6 Terrill children in Seminary.  And she's in her 21st year of teaching Seminary.  I told her that my mom had taught Seminary for 13 years and that I'd recently come across some photos of her class.  Not sure why I have them, but I do! Sue said she hoped they'd turn up somewhere where she could see them.

I recall odd bits about my mom's Seminary career.  For one thing, she was always concerned about having an appropriate Seminary teacher's wardrobe.  As you can see from the above, she took this very seriously, and we had lots of discussions about the various merits of dresses versus skirts and the world of jumpers!!

She'd also contact me for ideas for Halloween - she always liked to dress up that day - usually in a witch costume with treats for her students. She didn't need to ask me about treats - as the mother of 12 children, she'd perfected all the necessary treats - mainly cinnamon rolls and chocolate chip cookies!

And in the collection of slides that these photos came from, there are some slides that appear to be some kind of skit or presentation.  She says she doesn't remember what it was about.

If I figure it out, I'll have another post for you!


bonny with a Y said...

i love that the prayer was documented.

Sue Cornwall said...

Oh these pictures are GREAT!!!! If I am in the same company as Mary Clayton - I feel special.