Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Reading in 2016

I confess readily to an addiction to reading.  I read lots of books.  Whenever folks ask me how I find time to read so much, I usually reply that I read when I ought to be doing other stuff!!

Last year I met - and exceeded the challenge to read a book a week - that would be 52 books - I read 61! My high school friend Sharon McKinney sent me a reading challenge that I think I am going to try - I'm sure there's a link, but I will just summarize it here:

a book published this year
a book you can finish in a day
a book you've been meaning to read
a book recommended by your librarian or bookseller
a book you should have read in school
a book chosen for you by your spouse, partner, sibling or child
a book published before you were born
a book that was banned at some point
a book you previously abandoned
a book you own but have never read
a book that intimidates you
a book you're already read at least once

Many of these categories can overlap - so I may have to read more than 12 books! For example, Hannah recommended a book published this year that I am reading now - but I won't use it to check off 2 categories!!

And I'm excited for such a good excuse to once again re-read Gone With the Wind! Some will be true challenges - finishing books I've abandoned may be the toughest - after all, there's usually a good reason for abandoning a book! And all the books I own but haven't read are mostly dry old classics - that will be tough.

But I will keep you posted - and any suggestions that fit the above criteria above are welcome!!



Anonymous said...

I would love to hear your take on "the absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian" It's been banned in many districts and Henry had to read it this year as part of the Freshman curriculum. I had to read it for my adolescent lit class at BYU (oh the irony!).


grannybabs said...

Will put it on my list!!