Saturday, September 03, 2016

Friday night at the movies!

So we have discovered VidAngel - and are now cleaning up movies we've wanted to watch! It's pretty easy to take out the sexual innuendo, nudity, violence, profanity, and anything else objectionable.  At first I thought maybe the movies would come out all hackneyed - but they don't.  Which leads me to wonder why they need all the bad stuff anyway - doesn't really seem to be all that essential!

I had read a review of this film in the AARP magazine of all places! And was sort of intrigued. It's sad in some ways, almost pathetic - as in you want to just cringe when you see the sorrow and heartache Doris endures! But Doris triumphs - so all's well that ends well I guess.

Their treatment of hoarders and greedy siblings after a death is a little "glossy" in that it doesn't really address the issue.  But it's actually not the main issue.

And it has a lot to say about social media and popular culture that is really "spot on" as they say!

Give it a look/see and tell me what you think!

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