Thursday, September 14, 2017

A little excessive reading!

My colonoscopy prepping day - and then a recovery day - allowed a lot of reading to get done.

This one came recommended from my sister Leslie's book group.  And excellent read - a story about a Jewish girl and a Dutch girl who find their fates intertwined in World War II - and the world of the circus.  

I continue to be amazed at the new things I learn about the war and the Holocaust.  This author came across two items in the archives at Vad Yashem - and felt she needed to somehow incorporate them into a story.

It's a great read - the story goes back and forth between the voices of the two girls - women actually. And the story structure is very dramatic and compelling.

My dear friend Arlene thought maybe I'd enjoy this, so she dropped it by - and I did indeed enjoy it.  It's a little more "fluff" than I usually choose, but the underlying story was compelling - it went back and forth between 1849 and 2009 - and the way the stories wove together at the end was very satisfying.

A good summer read or beach read or airplane read - or just sitting-in-your-chair-by-the-sunny-window read!!

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