Saturday, May 16, 2020


I do not even know the year or the location of this photo. I do know that it's Ida - and I think we were probably visiting for a blessing or a baptism - coats on mean winter - and possibly this is dinner or lunch after the event??

I love seeing pics of kids reading. Ida is a reader.  A voracious reader - a young lady after my own heart. Several of my grandkids love to read as much as I do. 

I sometimes wonder how much it's nature vs. nurture in the reading game. In the same family, there can be readers and those who pick up a book as a last resort. They all know how to read. Just don't always choose to read.

Reading was , and still is actually,  my happy place. I seldom get tired of reading. I keep notebooks noting the books I've read - but frequently look over the lists and can't really recall the book very well. This past week, I found myself reading three books simultaneously - fortunately I finished one of them, so I'm only reading 2! But that's kind of confusing. 

The one I finished was a novel about WW II. The two I'm reading are both about Orthodox Jewish women who have left their faith. They are memoirs. Whenever I read that sort of book, I often wonder what their family members would say - what their take on it would be.

Maybe I will write a review and let you know what I think.

When I finish!

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