Thursday, June 11, 2020

Catching up!

53 years ago on the 10th, Harry returned from his mission. It was a quick, crazy summer - and we got engaged!

29 years ago on the 10th, Pop died. He had Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and it was hard to see him go - but we knew he was at peace - so we worked at finding peace too.

June 6th was the anniversary of D-Day - and Ernie's 80th birthday!! Everyone loves Ernie - I'm happy we are still in touch.

Esme graduated - was a valedictorian and graduated with honors - she is off to the BY as my Great-aunt Elsie used to say.

Eve graduated too - Gold Seal - and is headed to UC Santa Cruz - hopefully the pandemic will let her get there.

The pandemic goes on and on.  The protests go on and on. It is a tough time - a slow time - a worrying time - a missing time - I hope it resolves itself soon.

But I don't think it will!!

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