Monday, January 08, 2007

"Each life that touches ours for good . . ."

I had a sweet experience in the temple on Saturday.

A little background though. I have a dear friend in the ward. She was the R.S. President just before me. We are in a book group together. We have traveled to the BYU Women's Conferences together. And we've had lots of great discussions.

While she was R.S. President about 5 years ago, her daughter Marla died a week after giving birth to her 7th child. It was a great shock, and a great loss for Carolyn. I didn't know Marla extremely well, but we exchanged Christmas cards. Marla's daughter Ashley was getting ready to enroll at BYU - which she did.

Ashley got married on Saturday. While I was waiting to finish up the session I was attending, I saw Ashley sitting with her groom and the sealer. I went over and said, "You don't know me, but I was a friend of your mom's and I'm a good friend of your grandma. I want to wish you all the best."

Then the sealer said, "She left their rings in her locker downstairs." So I said, "Would you like me to go get them for you?" And he said, rather enthusiastically, "That would be great if you wouldn't mind."

So I scurried down the spiral staircase to the Bride's Room and the ladies there opened Ashley's locker and we rummaged around and found the rings.

I hustled back to the Celestial Room with my precious cargo - and the bride and groom were genuinely pleased to have their rings.

And I was genuinely pleased to have been of service. The sealer could have very easily asked any temple worker to go get the rings. There are many of them, and they are always anxious to be of service.

But I enjoyed feeling that I was "looking out for Ashley." I enjoyed thinking about Marla and Carolyn - and how I would enjoy telling Carolyn about it.

We try to go to the temple each week. All the issues with Noah seem to derail me mentally and spiritually - a trip to the temple helps. As does fasting, praying, writing letters to Noah and sending him packages.

I hope whoever crosses Noah's path is able to "look out" for him too.


Anonymous said...

I did not know. My prayers will be with you & UH and Noah.

Be assured there are people out there crossing others paths and giving what you would/could give if you were there.

Eliza said...

I agree with Amy. The world is a big place!...but small too, kind of.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about any issues with Noah, I just had a feeling things wern't quite right. I'll keep all of you in my prayers!

bonny with a Y said...

i agree whole heartedly about watching out for others.

i got many phone calls from worried parents and leaders when i taught institute, lo those many years ago.

i don't know if i helped anyone, but it was nice to know all those people were concerned about their children, and those they taught.