Sunday, January 28, 2007

Saturday night . . .

One of the things that I notice about having Harry, Dawn and kids here is that I'm reminded of my own life a few years ago.

Saturday night is a case in point - Dawn was rolling up Eve's hair in curlers - an activity I was often engaged in on a Saturday night! Actually I have many memories of Saturday night hair rolling from my own childhood - I loved sitting on the floor in front of the couch while my mom either put curlers in my hair - or pin curls - I'm that old!!

This Saturday night featured Dad working on his new computer, Eve and Porter snacking on cookies and milk, Dawn snacking on cookies too, and yours truly sweeping up sand from the laundry room floor! (We had sand on the tables at the Women's Conference - and I took home some of the table cloths to wash - and someone who gathered them up neglected to dump the sand first!! But we're not naming names!!)
After all, Saturday is a special day!


grannybabs said...

I finally got Blogger to post photos - but it wouldn't turn the one of Dawn upright!!

Blogger will be the death of me yet!!

Eliza said...

Suggestion: turn the picture upright before you post it!

You should have a program like Microsoft Picture Manager on your computer already that will let you do that.

bonny with a Y said...

i think the hair curling ended with me - i don't remember anyone else being as obsessed with curly hair.

grannybabs said...

I realize that I could turn it beforehand - but blogger used to automatically turn it so I didn't bother - and it wouldn't do it afterwards!

Eliza said...

I went through a phase of getting sponge rollers in my hair on Saturday nights. I was much older than Eve, though--9 or 10.

hanner said...

WHAT!!? Dad got a Macbook??!

grannybabs said...

He did indeed get a MacBook - and he couldn't have done it without me - because I'm actually the one who got it because I am a teacher and we get an "educational discount!"

Maybe I will get one of my own one day!!