Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday, Sunday!!

Here's a real blast from the past - when was the last time you thought of this little guy - Hiccup by name?

For the uninformed, it was Bonny's parakeet - who escaped into the parakeet heaven in the sky one day.


bonny with a Y said...

okay i have to comment on my poor hiccup.

my first bird was executed by lovely brent - who left the door open while he was housesitting, while we were in St. George (of course).

he thought he could be sneaky and buy me another bird and i wouldn't notice. however, the first hiccup was blue, you notice this one

brent's a smart one he is.

the second hiccup got his cage knocked over and he escaped into the wilds. where i'm sure he's still happy. maybe he started the whole feral parrot population that plagues the foothills?

Eliza said...

Ah, Sweet Hiccup. May his soul rest in peace. Or whatever.

I remember that T-shaped bar (background) as well. And of course the Chinese elm. The backyard looks so different with a playhouse and no big tree smack in the middle.

bonny with a Y said...

the t-shaped bar was part of the old clothesline -it was fun to climb on it.