Friday, April 21, 2006

Thursday, Friday

I had found this picture a few weeks ago and thought I do a montage of birthday shots for Eliza's birthday on Wednesday.

But I just found it today - and am too tired to go looking for more.

So one will have to suffice - and it will be belated - but Bonny was talking about the 17th anniversary of meeting Bruce - so here's the 17th anniversary of meeting Eliza!!


hanner said...

hahahahaha... I miss that tiny blue room. Eliza looks so happy.

Eliza said...


I remember that, coming home from a visit to Utah (and my first and only time skiing) to a decorated room from Katie. She also left applesauce and gum--I think I only remember that because someone took a picture of it.

Yeah, the blue room was fun, wasn't it!