Friday, April 14, 2006

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - time to catch up!

I am getting more proficient with Dad's laptop - at first I was going nuts! So I will post some more about our adventures. (this is funny because I just accidentally erased a long, well-written post that I more than likely cannot recapture!!)

So, these are shots of scenery and cemeteries and monuments and houses - it "looks" different here - and it is lovely and green - in spite of the bare branches on the trees. There are lots fewer people in the areas we've been traversing. That is a change. There is also a shot of Dad in our hotel room!!

I LOVE the houses here - at least the stately old ones - and the stately new ones built to look like old ones!

I love the feeling of "oldness" too - I was telling Dad that I have studied and read about the American Revolution for many years and there is something about standing on the spot where the Minutemen fired on the King's soldiers that makes it all very different from just reading a history book.

One shot is of the original foundations of the Buttrick home from 1667 - we're talking old here!

I am looking forward to trekking back here we go visit Matt and Eliza after they move to DC - and seeing lots of other stuff too!

I could get used to traveling!!


Eliza said...

I love old houses too. And cemeteries. And greenery. And visits from my parents!

Dad doesn't look very happy in that picture!

grannybabs said...

I think he wondered why I was taking a picture!

HPT said...

Some might wonder just what the rationale may be behind choosing such photos for display. I am inclined to think that it must be " edify, to instruct" since is certainly is not " please, here."
Frankly, it was after some deliberation in committee that we decided to post the hotel shot as it stands. The goal was, of course, to give some atmosphere to the descriptions of our experience. The other choices were the shot of me on the exam table in Dr. Cooper's office; the candid shot of me on the bed, also in a stupor, with a can of beer in my hand instead of the TV remote; the shot of me asleep in the plane with a trail of drool running down my chin; the shot of me emerging from the toilet at the rear of the plane after my first bout of Aztec Two-Step at 30,000 ft. in nearly 40 years.
We stand firmly behind our editorial decisions.

HPT said...

...since it certainly is not....

bonny with a Y said...

I'm assuming that's hpt posting as hpt

Eliza said...


hpt, you're FUNNY! Whoever you are...

Eliza said...

P.S. sorry about the Aztec 2-step, that's rough

bonny with a Y said...

and on a plane - ouch