Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wednesday is Wonderful!

The aforementioned poster that Eliza had made (see The Terrill Connection and my recent post there - I still haven't learned to link!) also included these two family shots - one is a fave of mine - and the other is a least fave you might say. Once again I am not sure of the years, but one is pre-mission for Harry F. and one is post mission - I'm sure you can guess!


Eliza said...

I'm pretty sure Mom's fave is the one of Noah looking to the side.

But I do like both pictures.

The lower one I would guess is around 1990 (I was in first grade)--the top one, definitely 1995 (summer before Phoebe went to college).

bonny with a Y said...

Yes Jake, I have to agree, Bruce was a good addition.

I like the top one - all that short hair on the women.

Although I do like the profile shot of Noah and E & H's MATCHING dresses.

I don't remember Harry having long hair for that long a time, but I guess he did.

Eliza said...

I have always liked all the colors in that series of August '95 pics.