Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Granada Elementary School

Where's the Clayton in this shot? (hint: it's either Charles, Mary, Richard, Bill, Bobby, Leslie, Donna or David!)

Find the Clayton!

Find the Clayton here too!

How are you doing at finding the Clayton??

Harry was working at the temple, so I spent the weekend at Mom's. It was a nice break - good home cooking and great company. Friday night we vegged out in front of the T.V. and overdosed on Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

Saturday a.m. Mary, Donna and I went to the Granada School 80th b-day party. It was mostly a carnival type fundraiser event I think, and I was initially disappointed. But then we hunkered down in the auditorium - a place that has not changed in the 52 years since I'd last been there - and started plowing through some photo albums there. They were the kind that school photographers give to the schools after they've come to take school pics of kids and they started in fall of 1959, so there were not any of me or my friends, but Mary, Donna and I set to work finding shots of everyone from Charlie on down.

And my old friend Marguerite Hardin showed up - and Sharon McKinney! These are women with whom I went from K through 12th grade!! And the local reporter interviewed us for her newspaper - when we hit the big time, we'll send you a copy!

Also, there was a presentation by the man who wrote the book on the history of Granada Hills - Jim Hier - and it was pretty interesting. I have bought the book, but he had material that had come to him since the publication. Some trips down Memory Lane are well worth taking.

Bill and Alyssa were at Mom's Friday night.

The auditorium at Granada Elementary - the only change was that it sure seemed a lot smaller than I remembered it!

Some classy alums!

Me, Sharon, and Marguerite.

Home of the Grizzlies!! (there was not mascot when we were there!)

I will post a few pages a day of the photo spreads we copied. For your guessing pleasure!


bonny with a Y said...

what an AWESOME auditorium. I wish our school had one that cool. or had an auditorium.

so glad you had a fun weekend.

and bill's beard is getting pretty awesome.

grannybabs said...

Couldn't find the Claytons huh?

Alice said...

I certainly wish that I could have been there and it is too bad that the photos started after 1959. I was already at Patrick Henry at that time.