Monday, April 13, 2009

My Own Easter Bunny

I don't really think of Dad as the master of grandiose gestures. He is thoughtful and considerate and often has ideas - great ideas - for the perfect gift. But he usually reports that he couldn't find it!
(Owing to his personality type, he usually goes looking sort of last-minute!)

But the other night he had a meeting to attend. And he was apparently worried that I wouldn't have the stamina or energy to fix my own dinner. (I assured him I could, but I have been limping and gimping about a lot these days - any bystander would be concerned. In fact, at church Sunday I had left after Sacrament meeting to take some newsletters over to the Stake Center. When I got back, I was getting my purse out of the back seat. Just then a sharp pain hit - the pain is constant - gets sharp now and again. And Brother Larsen, who happened to be in the parking lot, hustled over and said, "Do you need some help?" I guess I was vocal!)

After Dad left, I went into the kitchen and he had indeed left a meal for me!! And in spite of what might look spare to the casual observer, it was quite satisfying. (There was soup in the pan and salad in the plastic container.) I smiled when I saw it. And I had the stamina to find my own dessert!

And Saturday night, he stayed up and dyed eggs for me - quite artistic eggs actually. And I smiled when I saw them too.

We make a good pair!


Karen said...

A very sweet Easter bunny.

Eliza said...

oh, stop it...I love you two.

Phoebe said...

you and dad and your parallel lives seem to be doing just fine!

grannybabs said...

They are intersecting a lot more this week since I'm home all day.

Although he's out in the office garage right now. He may come in to cuddle up to the fire he has going in the living room - it's windy and cold today.