Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Recent read -

The Portland Airport is a cut above most others - in my opinion anyway - or maybe I've just spent more time there than other airports and have been able to explore more.  But this time I got there early and had time to browse the charming shops, have a tasty lunch, and listen to a pretty fine violist!!

I spent some time in the Powells Bookstore "extension" they have there and found a book on the bargain table.  It was by Ann Patchett - a fave author of mine - so I could not resist.  (Last year I made a resolve - which I kept btw - not to buy any physical books.  No such resolve this year - and I have only bought two books so far - so I'm doing okay - I could "afford" to get this one!)

It is about Ann's friendship with Lucy Grealy - pronounced "gray-lee" - a poet she met at the Iowa Writer's Workshop.  Lucy was one of the 5% who survive Ewing's Sarcoma, but it left her with a "disappearing" face and many struggles with a damaged face.  She endured over 38 surgeries - and it never really did fix everything - but along with many other struggles, she dealt with prescription painkillers and worse.  She died at age 39 of an accidental overdose of heroin.  

This book about their friendship may not be for everyone - it's pretty honest and even brutal at times - but it was a great airplane - and airport - read.  

Lucy Grealy's story is a sad one - her way of dealing with her trials might not sit well with some.  I did not find her an especially sympathetic character, but she did have lots of friends who supported her.  In the end, however, she lost the support of many of her friends who felt they were enabling her drug use - when she got into the "hard" stuff with heroin.  

And the glimpse into the lives of two women - two women who had lots in common - and little in common - is a powerful discussion on the merits and value of deep, intense "friend" relationships.

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