Sunday, September 25, 2016

Getting back to Poldark!

So, last August - as in August 2015 - I reviewed the first two Poldark novels.  Actually, I had not finished number 2 - it was still on my Kindle.  It was called Demelza - I finished it - wondered why I hadn't finished it before??

Then I went to the library to see if I could get number 3, Jeremy Poldark, but it was not to be had! So I bought it on Kindle too - and really couldn't put it down!! Finished it today - and started number 4!! Starting with number 5, the library had copies, so I can stop spending money on Kindle!!

It was a good read - these are kind of like Horatio Hornblower - truly another time and place that a fine author has recreated - and it makes for really great reading.

It is a saga -which is why I think I find it so compelling.  And it's a romance.  Another plus.  And it's at the time of the French Revolution - and I have always affirmed the notion that the best way to study history is to read a great historical novel.

And there are quite a few more where this came from!

And, yes, I want to take a trip to the Cornwall coast of England!!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Some beach reading!

Spent a few days at Bonny's while she and Bruce took Ella up to Idaho.  And the days were long and lovely and Esme and Annika were at school all day, so reading was definitely on the agenda!!

Decided not to buy more Kindle books, so I went to the library - and thought I'd pick up any Anny Tyler books I had not read.  That can be a tricky course of action, because I often think I haven't read a book - but then I get into it and realize that I have indeed read it already.

Not so with either of these - this one was a little forgettable - but deftly written and a great "beach read!"

This story was an audio book Harry and I started on a trip once.  Harry didn't like it, so we stopped listening.  I think maybe he's just not the Anne Tyler type!  I'd always wanted to see how it came out, so I was glad to finish it.  The story has a lot of merit - mostly about communication - or the lack of it in our lives.

I recommend it!

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Friday night at the movies!

So we have discovered VidAngel - and are now cleaning up movies we've wanted to watch! It's pretty easy to take out the sexual innuendo, nudity, violence, profanity, and anything else objectionable.  At first I thought maybe the movies would come out all hackneyed - but they don't.  Which leads me to wonder why they need all the bad stuff anyway - doesn't really seem to be all that essential!

I had read a review of this film in the AARP magazine of all places! And was sort of intrigued. It's sad in some ways, almost pathetic - as in you want to just cringe when you see the sorrow and heartache Doris endures! But Doris triumphs - so all's well that ends well I guess.

Their treatment of hoarders and greedy siblings after a death is a little "glossy" in that it doesn't really address the issue.  But it's actually not the main issue.

And it has a lot to say about social media and popular culture that is really "spot on" as they say!

Give it a look/see and tell me what you think!