Wednesday, August 22, 2018

I am so behind!!

Happy Birthday Hannah!! Hannah has the distinction of being the only Terrill baby who was not late!  In fact, she was two days early.  Most folks don't think much of that, but it was a washday miracle in our household!!

My friend called me the day before she was born - said they were leaving on vacation and to call her in Utah if the baby came.  I blithely told her I'd still be pregnant when she got back! Since the previous 4 kids had been 11, 11, 11, and 13 days late, I added ten days to the due date - giving a September date to everyone. So when she came on August 20th, people were pretty sure I didn't know how to count - especially since Hannah was also the biggest baby I'd had - 9 lbs. 3 oz.

Hannah is her own person - I'd never had a climber - and here was a climber.  She'd take either kind of binky. She dropped off to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.  In spite of Dr. Brown splints and casts on both legs for club feet, she crawled and walked with ease. And when she got older, she got tired of waiting for me.  Once when she had a science project to work on, she said, "Can I use anything I can find in the garage?" rather than wait for me to take her to Michael's or Home Depot! She was and continues to be very resourceful.

We are happy to have Hannah in our family - I could write a book!

Maybe I should!

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