Monday, January 23, 2006

The Blues Brothers on Monday Night

Noah is watching "Blues Brothers." At least I think that is the title. Hence my title.

I was going to make Sunday night my regular posting time, but we had a power outtage last night. I had commented on the winds last week, but they were mere breezes compared to last night!

The streets and lawns are littered with fierce looking palm fronds with sharp spikes! But the air is clean and clear and the foothills stand out in dramatic relief.

An unusually large number of students stayed home from school today - that's to let you know how unsettlingly strong the winds were.

And I was going to do a remarkable piece of literary genius and post it - but Harry came over with the kidlets.

Then I started making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies - and didn't have any pumpkin. So I went to the store and Eve went with me.

And of course I got in the worst line - it looked like the shortest but there were computer snafus with the registers.

By the time I got home - with four 9 volt batteries for the 4 sets of walkie talkies I had found in the pantry - it was time for Harry and the kidlets to leave. (But not before discovering that none of the walkie talkies worked, even with new batteries!)

By then it was time to have FHE - we had told Noah to be home at 7 for FHE. And we had a great FHE.

Another late dinner a la Continental Mode! And since I'd made a double batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, it was a chore to get them all baked - but I did.

You know, you give a mouse a cookie - and you could be up all night!


Karen said...

We have had some good (cold) winds here lately, but not the Santa Ana's, which I miss. (I know, I'm kind of wierd.)
Also- we made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies this past week. A family favorite.

Side note-I read Death comes for the Archbishop. I really liked it.

D. Scott said...

If loving the Santa Anas makes you wierd then count me in. Clean air, clear view of Mt. Baldy. We sure could use them up here in the valley.

Heather said...

It's been cold and windy over our way too. I do love those cookies but I'm always torn between the butterscotch chip kind. Maybe next time I will mix the two.

hanner said...

Mmm... pumpkin cookies.

I just re-learned that "snafu" means "Situation Normal, All Fouled Up." I love that.

More literary genius, please! :)

grannybabs said...

Karen (and anyone else who cares!)

I enjoyed Death Comes for the Archbishop. It was certainly not vintage Cather - at least the Cather I know - but I like the episodic, epistilary nature of it. You could read a section, put it down, come back 3 days later and do another section.

It's good to have books you can read in installments. I wonder if that happened because she probably grew up reading lots of stories and novels that were serialized.

Which reminds me of the old Relief Society Magazines - that always had a story in monthly installments - they would go on for 5 or 6 months - Alice and I would fight over who got to read the magazine first when it came!!

But I enjoyed the novel and the rather bucolic picture it painted - without being unbelieveable.

Anyone else's thoughts?

Eliza said...

I would love some winds over here in SLC--warm, cold, whatever. The inversion is killing me. Slowly but surely. This very morning I had a long discussion with a friend about the potential of pollution to cause nonsmoker's lung cancer in women. Maybe that's why I've had this monthlong sore throat.

At any rate, I'd love some blue skies to head over my way!