is the title of a book about growing up in Utah. Virginia Sorenson, an author I admire, writes about her growing up years in a small Utah town.
I wasn't raised in Utah, but whenever I go there, especially to the Salt Lake/Provo area, I find myself reflecting on long ago events that seem to be in the present - at least they are alive in my mind.
The same was true this time also. When we walked into the Y Center (and it will always be the Y Center to me - never the Wilk! for heaven's sake!)I noticed the floors - and I said to Mom, "These are the very same floors I walked on over 40 years ago!" It's true, some things never change!
When I mentioned it to Harry, he said they are terrazzo - and terrazzo apparently is almost ageless. I'm glad - because those floors anchor the building in the past for me - and it wouldn't hold any memories for me if there wasn't some anchor there. Much has changed on the BYU campus - but much has stayed the same - at least in spirt if not in fact!
I enjoyed seeing old roommates this go round - my former roommates remain good friends - maybe I have forgotten all the negative and only retain the positive, but that's okay with me. These women were part of a very significant time in my life - and we can go years without seeing each other, and when we do see each other, the years melt away. It's the very best kind of friendship I can think of!
In the top picture is that Pat on the left? I don't even know. But I really like her outfit. Go Pat. Joy. Whoever.
Ok. Joy. I think. Go Joy.
Joy would be the fashionista - always has been - she's an artist - has that artistic flair. She used to give me courage to "branch out!"
I hope they don't change those terrazzo floors - they look super cool - forever and always.
I was going to comment that Joy's (very fashionable) outfit is also very 80s. Viva la 80s!
Personally, I'm excited for the mid-90s to come back. Velvet and platform mary janes, anyone? Lace bodysuits? Doc Martens! Overalls, suspenders, chokers!
Okay, well at least that's what I was wearing in the mid-90s.
I am glad you had a good time with Mom and all your visits in Utah!
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