Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Let's play catch up - not ketchup!!

It has been a while since I blogged on my own blog. Life has indeed been hectic - at home, at school, at play!! Hasn't been too hectic at church, thank goodness. Being Stake R.S. President has the major perk of having the busyness somewhat concentrated in certain time frames - that so far have not conflicted with other stuff.

I did get asked to speak at another's ward Enrichment last week - but I was pretty last minute about putting it together, so I didn't stress much. I did think about it a lot, so it came together well.

We've been to Moab for the race - and I did the 5 miler - mostly walked, but I did finish! It was so great to see everyone - reminds me how much I miss everyone. I can see why women always want their families to stay in town after they grow up - I remember noticing that when we lived in Centerville - these women would loudly lament a son or daughter moving away. It never occurred to me that maybe my folks missed me! (Maybe they really didn't!!) We need to seriously consider Moab as a mini-reunion choice for Claytons/Terrills/Kerksieks!!

School is crazy as usual - I seem to be out a lot for school business so I feel like I'm always making sub plans - my least favorite thing to do. I know now why most teachers show movies when they are gone - I try not to. I've been doing some cooking with my SDC kids - to help with some science concepts - the properties of matter, for instance, can be demonstrated by making cupcakes! (and eating them too!)

We have had Harry and Dawn move out - with all its attendant stress and strain!! They were here for almost a year - they moved in last April when we went to the marathon in Boston. Moving households is always work. But satisfying work! And the baby' s blessing, which brought Bill and Marjorie to town - always great to see them. It really was a good experience to have them all here - one I will always treasure.

And now adjusting to a truly "empty nest." Harry and I are having fun walking around talking about all the home improvements we're going to do.

We'll keep you posted.


Eliza said...

Sorry I never wrote you back re: your enrichment topic. I fully meant to and then completely forgot!! Chalk it up to...well, nothing. No excuse. I'm glad it went well though!

amy k said...

That picture is a classic! Love it!

amy k said...

When you said Harry had been there almost a year. My first thought was, "wow, has it been that long?" Then I think of everything in my life that's happened the last year....and yeah, it's been that long.

Karen said...

Wow Barbara, It took you almost 40 years to get all the kids out of the house. I'm thinking that's how long it will take me too! Not that I'm in a hurry, but I don't have a problem with being alone with Jeff.