Sunday, May 27, 2007

A "Current" Family Photo

A current "family" photo would probably just be Dad and me, since we are co-habiting at present in an "empty nest." But if you define family as unattached offspring who occasionally do laundry at your house - and stay with you in hotel rooms for trips here and there - then Hannah and Noah would fit the defintion.

Outside the Bountiful Temple after Joey and Mercy's wedding on Saturday.

Noah, captured taking a solitary stroll around the grounds that day.

Hannah, feeling a little "peaked" dozing in the car as we toured Davis county and environs after the wedding - and before the luncheon!

The very nice room we had at the Hilton, courtesy of Fred's sister. Hannah, mugging for the camera.

It was fun to spend the weekend with the "little kids."


Kaahl said...

Hmm, so the definition is unmarried who end up at your house to borrow your things and take up space....I think I fit the definition.

grannybabs said...

You can be an honorary Terrill little kid if you want to!!

Who is always welcome!!

hanner said...

Yeah, Kaahl might fit the definition more than I do...

Eliza said...

ah, die kleine Kinder