Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The 26th of September

Mothers remember some strange details - like their due dates! Probably especially women like yours truly who was 11 days late for the first 3 kids, 13 days late for Eliza, and 2 days late for Noah. (Let's have a big shout out for Hannah, who came two days early!! Thank you very much - in August this is very significant!)

September 26th is the birthdate of T. S. Eliot. One of the first items in my memory bank when the doctor said the due date was September 26th. ("in the room the women come and go")

And it was the due date for Miss B. Brae!! (Whose b-day is October 5th!!) And frankly, even with the babies that were late, we were delighted with their arrival!

Better late than never could be the Terrill anthem - if someone put it to music!!

And I used to say to Dad, when I had figured out the connection to old Thomas Stearns, "If it's a boy, we could name him Eliot Stearns Terrill."

Not an idea that ever took hold with him. But I always liked it. Obviously never got to use it!


bonny with a Y said...

happy birthday to T.S.E. - i think i will dare to eat a peach in his honor.

Eliza said...

tee hee

HPT said...

I just recalled that the haircut Bonny is wearing in the photo was the first, I think, for her as well as the first for me. It just kept getting shorter and shorter and shorter....