Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is the weekend that was!!

It's been crazy around here - Friday was hotter than blazes and the a/c went out in my car - the drive to LA that afternoon was reminiscent of scaling the Baker Grade!! Not pleasant!!

Saturday was a scorcher too - I spent it indoors making floral tote bags for the YW Transition to R.S. - "Blossoming in Relief Society!" Jennifer Menlove was our guest speaker and she did a great job!! She was one of my Beehives back in the day and I couldn't be prouder of her!!

We had 4 of the 5 senior girls in our stake attend with their parents and the ward YW and RS Presidents. It was a nice way to spend part of a Sunday afternoon - these young ladies will do us all proud!!

Then I raced home and finished putting together the dinner for Noah and Dawn's belated birthday celebration - at their house, since it was still very hot! Porter and Eve enjoyed the candle blowing!

And then my good friend Pam was in town, so on Monday afternoon - after she drove me to pick up my car - with repaired a/c function - we managed to squeeze in a nice visit!!

Now I'm racing around trying to get things in order for the arrivals of Hannah, Eliza and Theo!!

It's pretty crazy at school too - 11 IEP's to go - and got requests today for 2 more!! How can I call a halt to all this madness??

But Monday is a holiday!! And we are going to spend the weekend with some pretty special people - watch for photos - I know how to upload them - just don't have scanning capacity at the moment!!

Not sure when the anniversary posts will resume - it is a millstone around my neck, a to do item I'm itching to get checked off!!

Let's see how we do.


Eliza said...

It has been crazy here too. Luckily I packed a few days ago, but I still need to pack the carryon/diaper bag. Left that onerous task to the end. What to bring to entertain/feed/keep clean a 16-month-old for 5 hours that will all fit easily into a diaper bag...what to bring...

Leslie said...

Stephenie Meyer was on the Time magazine's 100 most influential people of 2007. Clearly they do not think she is a mediocre writer. Not liking something doesn't make it bad. I know many, many people who do not not like Harry Potter. She has clearly had an impact and not very many writers can say that. No one is saying she is Jane Austen. Frankly, I enjoy being entertained. Just a thought. Leslie

grannybabs said...

Well, I love being entertained too - her books do not entertain me however. Excessive use of adjectives and very predictable plot lines tend to take away from my enjoyment of a book.

But it's different strokes for different folks.

And I don't have a problem with someone liking something that I don't like - my issue is with equating popular, influential and best selling with excellence.

I'm with Bonny's Ding Dong analogy.