Over time, those who had died in other wars were honored also, and the day came to be called Memorial Day. For many years it was always noted on May 31st, but then was included in the Senate bill that put most holidays on a Monday.
I remember it that way, so whenever it falls on the 31st now, I am reminded of days gone by. I especially remember one year when Memorial Day was a Thursday. I went to the beach and got burned!! I had been working in an office since I had graduated from high school in January, so I had forgotten that my previous imperviousness to the sun had come about gradually - while out of doors at school.
The burn was bad enough that I felt sick - but if I didn't go to work on Friday, I wouldn't get paid for Thursday!! It was a miserable day, to say the least!!
A quote from John F. Kennedy seems apropos here, "A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produced, but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers."