Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Il y a longtemps que je t'aime"

Dad and I saw the previews to this film - and thought it looked like something we'd enjoy. So we put in on our NetFlix queue.

The critics were divided - but we aren't - we thought it was very well done. The acting was superb, the characters were finely drawn, the story built slowly but effectively - and the ending worked - even though most of those who were negative objected to the ending.

If you enjoy foreign films, add this to your list.


Amy Girl said...

Just put it in our instant que. I'll let you know my review once I get a chance to sit.

grannybabs said...

It moves slowly - like many foreign films. Harry commented that it was too bad most people want things "fast and furious" since life isn't always that way - and since it takes time for events and relationships to happen, it ought to take time to depict them artistically.

Leslie said...

We saw it a long time ago. We liked it. Another wonderful french film is Les Choristes.

grannybabs said...

We saw that - and I think all public school teachers should see it!!

bonny with a Y said...

we watched it a couple of months ago and we loved it. les choritstes was great as well.

Donna said...

it is on my netflix list. plus Les Choristes I loved so much I bought it.