Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Checkin' 'em off!

I recently finished reading Divergent by Veronica Roth.  Neither Harry nor I can recall being the one who put this on our shared Kindle account!  He thinks he saw the movie - thought I was with him - but I have no memory of it.  We are a bit perplexed by all this - I'm pretty sure we're not that forgetful yet!!  He did acknowledge that he might have seen it with someone else when I was out of town - that has happened before.

At any rate, it's been in our Kindle library for a while - so I finally read it.  It's a nice airplane kind of read - but nothing to write home about. 

However, I can and do see the attraction for a teen readership!

Not sure if I will read the other two.

On to the next addition to our library - the newest Lisa Genova novel - pretty good so far!!

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