Monday, September 28, 2015

"Many happy returns . . ."

click on card to read it!
We finally received the birthday greetings from the White House!  Helen was very pleased - she wants me to frame it so it can hang on the wall in her room.  She said, "Well, I don't think very many people here have one of these."

They will send cards starting at age 80 - you Google "White House Birthday Greetings" and the link comes up.  There is no charge - you just fill out the form and press send!  They said to allow 6 weeks - and I had allowed maybe 5 weeks - and it came 3 weeks after her birthday - so I'd say leave 9 weeks!!

And no political comments!!  A card from the White House is a card from the White House!!

1 comment:

grannybabs said...

Click on it to see it clearly.