Saturday, January 07, 2017

A must-see!!

What a great film!!  I ordered the book - no waiting around for the library to get it or have it - our library never seems to have anything!!

And I ordered a physical copy - I want to share it once I'm done.

I was proud to be a woman after seeing this!

One feature that truly impressed me was the scene where Katherine explains to her irate boss why she is gone for over 40 minutes every day - to walk - usually run actually - to the closest colored bathroom - which is 1/2 mile away! When I read about this scene in a review, it got me thinking about how dehumanizing it must be to be unable to take care of such a basic human need because society says you aren't good enough to use the available bathroom.  There was a similar passage in Road to Memphis, one in the series of novels following Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry.  

I'm not sure how people can be so unfeeling. And I loved how Kevin Costner said, after taking down the "Colored Restroom" sign, "At NASA, we all pee the same color!"

1 comment:

Karen said...

I really loved this movie. Someday I would like to read the book.