Wednesday, March 06, 2019

marching forth

There are almost no Terrill birthdays in March - in fact, until Noah married Taylor, who brought along Keesa - for which we are grateful - there were none - but now we do have Keesa to celebrate.

 But we also have Pi Day - and except for the fact that I am committed to losing 20 pounds - mostly for health reasons - I really feel bad about baking a pie to celebrate.  Although for the last several months, when I have made a lemon meringue pie - actually the only kind I make - I have given it away - and contented myself with licking the pan. 

That may again suffice. 

When you retire, the pool of people who celebrate Pi Day shrinks considerably.

And the Terrills used to be famous for celebrating the Ides of March -  with a lavish dramatic production - here, here! But we no longer do that either. For lots of reasons - one of the major ones being that it got too big for our house - and I wasn't up for managing a larger venue.

So we content ourselves with fond memories and FB posts with old photos!

Not being a teacher usually means I don't think about celebrating St. Patrick's Day either - but I do send cards - of course. And I have a nephew with a birthday that day - and it's on a Sunday this year - so maybe I will wear green - I did buy a fun St. Patrick's day scarf - I can wear that.

Arrghh - Jury Duty occurs with maddening frequency - this is in Alhambra though - so maybe won't be too bad. I will let you know. And I do believe in participatory government - so I need to put my money where my mouth is!

I have not flown a kite in a gazillion years - perhaps it will be windy.  Perhaps we will think of doing it. Or perhaps not!

And it's good to look forward to Easter!

And General Conference.

Not too bad after all!

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