Saturday, July 20, 2024

Prayers for Mary

 Mary Taylor is struggling with a recurring cancer.  We will be going up to Utah next week to spend some time with her. Mary - in the red in case you don't know her - has lived a happy serving life - and we are hoping we can help ease her transition. But it is still a sad outlook to contemplate.

The stories are legion - and hopefully I can share some with you. Right now I am recalling that every time she came down to SoCal to visit - a visit to the Huntington Library was de rigeur!! (That's French and it may be spelled wrong!!)

And whenever we visited Mary, it seemed like we brought her joy -- at least she always expressed great joy when we arrived.

Last September, my sister Alice and I went to visit her - and we went out to lunch. She was not as ill as she is now, but she was ill. But you would not have known it from the way she greeted us - and regaled us with tales of medical misadventures!!

Oh Mary - we love you!!

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