Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Late night ruminations

I am working at the temple this week on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday day and Friday night and Saturday day. It sounded like a good idea when I set it up last May!! (I am paying back the woman who worked for me when we went to South America in July - and also working our regular 3rd weekend shift.)

And it sounded like fun for H and I to spend some time alone - well, we are alone a lot, but time alone where the phone wouldn't interrupt us and we wouldn't be bothered about all the undone projects that you see when you are at home.

But like many goood ideas, life got in the way. The job Harry is winding up has not gone along in an extremely timely manner - so he is working the day shift at the temple and then going and working nights with Noah on the job.

Hannah and Robbie came in tonight - I went to LAX to pick them up - got in the bus lane - freaked Hannah out I guess!! So we enjoyed a little late night dinner and conversation before I took them to their own personal temple apartment to spend the night - and then I will take them back to LAX for their flight to Hawaii and then on to Kwajelin - I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong.

So I'm trying to enjoy this alone time that doesn't include Harry. A bit of reading, a bit of snacking, a bit of blogging, a bit of walking, a bit of working on my talk for Sunday, a bit of catch up with my correspondene - guess I shoud head to bed for a bit of sleeping.

For those of you who think it gets simpler when your kids get older - it doesn't.

For those of you who think working at the temple is a piece of cake, it's work. (Albeit work certainly worth doing!!)

For those of you who think being alone is a drag - it can be, but sometimes it's a little treat.

For those of you who think the temple apartments aren't very glamorous - they aren't. But the weather here is lovely, and once the lights are out and you're lying there enjoying the coastal breeze, it really doesn't matter that it's not glamorous.

For those of you who think the best meal is one you didn't have to fix yourself, that can be true. But sandwiches and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies make a great late supper. Even if you fix it yourself. (And Hannah made the sandwiches tonight!!)

For those of you who always take the freeway, taking Sepulveda to LAX is way easier. (at least when you are coming from the LA Temple.)

For those of you who think space equals luxury, it doesn't always. A tiny, cozy apartment can seem luxurious - no thanks to me - we are using an actual couple's apartment, so they have "cozied" it up already.

For those of you who are tired of reading this, I'm getting tired of writing too - so buenas noches, as we say en espanol!!

1 comment:

Alice said...

I am having a bit of free time sans Dale and, although I miss him terribly, it is great to just eat what is in the fridge, stay up late doing whatever I want, watching a chick flick or two, reading into the wee hours and not cleaning up until I feel like it. I usually am very prompt with cleaning but this seems like a good excuse to do other things. I can take what my mom said about not doing things when kids are asleep that you can do when they are awake and say that you shouldn't do things you can do when your husband is home when he is away. If that makes sense. However, that said, I am very glad that he will be arriving next Saturday. Axel is here with me but he is not much bother and really doesn't require much attention.