Monday, February 04, 2013

"A Social Quagmire!

While Phoebe was here, she was visiting with friends and commented that maybe her teacher friends got tired of hearing her go on about what's wrong with schools.

I said, well, I thought you were happy with your schools in Oregon.  And she said she mostly was - she was just not happy with the whole middle school concept - thinks it ought not to start until 7th grade.  I'm sure she thinks that way because Henry is in 6th grade.  (She mentioned the whole "social quagmire!!")

I recall Bonny going to middle school.  I was worried.  I myself had gone to a junior high - 7th, 8th, 9th and a three year high school, and so I thought 6th grade seemed young for leaving elementary.  Bonny was very apprehensive about going - I worried all day her first day there.  But when she breezed in that afternoon asking what was there to eat, I realized that I had been doing most of the worrying that day!!

Our kids all had different experiences in school.  Some better than others.  They appear to have survived them.  But it is a little scary these days.  

But then, I thought it was scary when I sent kids off to school.

And as a middle school teacher, I can tell you that teachers and administrators and counselors are very aware of the pitfalls - and work hard to smooth the path for everyone.

Do some fall through the cracks?  Undoubtedly.  Do we keep trying?  Definite yes.  Is there a good answer?  Probably.

We are working on it!!

Just keep supporting your child and your school and the teachers and administrators.


Karen said...

Gideon is in middle school. I probably worry more than he does. It does not help to read articles in the paper about how some kids beat up another kid in a locker room and taped it. (of course!) Just when I feel safe something takes away that feeling. And he is my six kid, not the first to go to a middle school (though the first at this particular one) I can imagine Phoebe's concerns especially him being the eldest.

Karen said...

I should clarify that the locker room incident happened at our middle school last month. Which is why it bugged me more than usual. We couldn't say it happened somewhere else but not here!