Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Go for the Blue and Gold!!

Once again it was Blue and Gold Banquet time!!  And no wonder they do it at our building - we have the outdoor basketball court - we live in SoCal so we can do this sort of thing in February!!  Seems like we do spend a lot of time "rounding up" everyone however!!

Miss Isla - always willing to pose for me!!

Porter - who led his first flag ceremony tonight - he is moving right along in his Cub Scout book!

The Stake Primary did the food - chilli dogs and lots of trimmings.

Harry and Dawn - supportive Scout parents - the kind we count on!

Arcadia Ward made these for their centerpieces - not sure what the names mean - but they were lovely and springlike!

Can I just say that I love my Cub Scout calling??  We sang songs while the boys were divided up into groups - and were given a basket of props - 10 minutes later they had to put on a skit - and they were pretty hilarious!!  I purposely didn't put in anything that looked even remotely like a weapon - but they still made weapons out of them - to foil the bad guys of course!!  

Good food, good singing, good entertainment - a great way to have a really good evening!!


Karen said...

Do you have stake pack meetings? How many boys in the ward and stake?

grannybabs said...

We do have stake pack meetings. We are a very small stake - only 5 wards and only 3 of the wards have dens. We have about 15 boys when everyone comes. I'm so used to small, I'm not sure I could function in a regular stake with big groups!! But we have a lot of fun!