Well, my quest to read 52 books in one year was certainly a successful one - I'm wondering if I can get 60 - which would mean 5 a month - somehow seems more impressive than one a week with some left over!!
I am mostly impressed that I've kept track!! I have read a lot of books in my life - it would be interesting to have a list - but that's not going to happen!! And I'm sure I've read some forgettable books that don't even deserve to be on a list. But it's nice to meet a challenge - and book challenges seem to appeal to me. A couple of years ago I vowed to not buy any physical books. It happened but I sure bought a lot of Kindle books!! This year I have tried to use the library more. I love libraries but I often can't find what I'm looking for and it's just easier to get in on Kindle - because Kindle seems to have everything!!
Eliza referred to the above novel in a blog post - she said it was a kind of remake of House of Mirth - and I loved House of Mirth - in fact I love all things Edith Wharton - so I got it on Kindle of course!!
Took me longer to read than usual - it really didn't "get" me right away. But about half-way through the story gained momentum. One night I could not sleep - I hate insomnia - but thanks to being able to read in the dark with a Kindle, I read - all night - like until 4:35 in the morning!!
I read a couple of reviews - after the fact - and I agree with one. The reviewer said the House of Mirth comparison was not warranted - and it's been awhile since I read it so I will take her word for it - but she went on to find other aspects of the story that she felt had merit. Good character development was one. And a great eye for detail was another. I really found myself in "another world!" My big complaint was the "tidy" ending - I wonder why authors have such a hard time "wrapping up" a story.
Depending on how you feel about Edith Wharton, you may or may not want to check this out. As a cautionary tale, it has great merit - being sucked into a lifestyle you are not really suited for seems to be a prevalent mistake - and this tale seems bent on having the heroine suffer every indignity as she flounders in way over her head.
One reviewer felt that Evelyn was not a lovable or sympathetic main character, but I found myself feeling very sorry for her and wishing I could help her!!
No one ever does, but if you do or have read this, let me know what you think!
I found Salem Falls in a little free library on one of my morning walks. I was up for some total escape fiction - and Jodi Picoult, who writes the same story every time, is good for escape if nothing else!! It's pretty much just escape!
I did scout out the library one day and picked up a couple of Lisa See novels - they were better than I expected. Dreams of Joy is a sequel to Shanghai Girls - I love getting my history from a well-told story - and that is what this is.
I had no idea of the scope and detail of the Cultural Revolution in China and the role Mao played. I also enjoyed the detail about Chinese life in the country. It was not a waste of time!