After finishing all 12 novels in the Poldark series, I was convinced there wasn't anything else to read!! I went to the library and looked under Anne Tyler - who's usually good for a readable novel. Got The Tin Can Tree. It was her second novel. It was pretty well-written, but the storyline was not very compelling - or believable for that matter. Wouldn't necessarily recommend it.
I saw a novel called The Wall on a display at the Arcadia Library. The premise sounded compelling - one woman left alone as the last human being on earth. It was translated from the German. I read maybe half of it - then read the end and called it good. Wouldn't recommend it either.
Did luck out with the latest John Grisham - bought it at LAX - and it kept me engrossed for the whole 4 1/2 hour plane ride - the best airplane fiction I'd had in a while.
It's great to be able to count on the John Grishams in this world!
For the plane ride home, I bought 4 magazines - they kept me engrossed!
For the trip to Portland, I had The Condition by Jennifer Heigh. Someone left it in my little free library. It was not great literature - and not really excellent airplane fare. But it sufficed. I wouldn't particularly recommend it either. And I couldn't find a photo of it online either!!
I could do with some recommendations folks!