Wednesday, May 13, 2020

More happy days to fete!

Happy Birthday Noah!!

Happy Birthday Dawn!

May is positively FULL of birthdays. There are 48 on my personal perpetual birthday calendar. I send cards to most of them - unless they have not kept in touch and I don't have an address. Then, if they are on social media, I send them a greeting there.

And it's my birthday, my mom's birthday, my son's birthday, 4 of my grandsons' birthdays, and I am Birthday Buddies with 5 folks that I know of!

It's a good month!

Now it's being a somewhat not as good month, owing to the pandemic. Oh my, that colors EVERYTHING doesn't it??

I am getting more and more slothful each day. I started out pretty well - I think that not going to a regularly scheduled HIIT class 3 times a week has impacted how I face the day. If something is not required - I just don't seem to get moving. The other thing I notice is that I can get up, get moving, get a couple of things done - and then feel like I've done enough - time to go sit and read!!

And phone conversations are really using up large chunks of time. They are very enjoyable though - and may be what is keeping me sane.

And I do have student still - but he works online with another teacher for math - and hasn't yet gotten all the English work done. Perhaps I need to take note and push him.

I will put that on my To Do list.

After I finish a chapter.

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