I had a lot of fun hanging out with Hannah for part of a day anyway!
She led us on a tour of the BYU Museum of Art "Images of the Saviour" exhibition - a wonderful exhibition by the way - I recommend it highly - it's there until June I believe.
(And Hannah did a great job being our guide!)
We had lunch at the MOA Cafe - also excellent - and I recommend it too.
I went to class with her - and the teacher's mom was there also! Seemed like everywhere we went, we kept running into people Hannah knew - that's my girl - the Queen of Provo!!
It was very cold - and we walked home - at least home to her little house. Down all 147 Maeser steps - oh, that brought back memories! Much has changed on the BYU campus - but much is still the same. Thank goodness!
It was fun to see Melanie too! And it was fun to see Hannah K. at the reception - I've included another in the collection of "The Hannahs Shots." And the bed Hannah is sprawled on is in my hotel room - she's showing off her ace bandage!
It was a cold, snowy day, but being with Hannah certainly brightened things up!
i miss hannah, and you too mom.
It was a good weekend! I can't wait to do it again in three weeks!
I miss Hannah, and you too Mom, and you too Bonny.
And you too Phoebe.
And you too Grandma.
And you too Hannah K...
And you too Melanie...
(That was me, not Matt.)
However, I do miss you all as well. Except Melanie, I don't really miss her.
-(the real Matt)
hannah, lying on the bed, is a dead ringer for mom.
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