Sunday, February 18, 2007

Teachers I have known - Chapter 3

Since it's Sunday, it seems appropriate to write about another favorite Sunday School teacher.

George Woods moved into our ward with his family and indeed seemed to be a man of many talents. In addition to being an excellent Sunday School teacher to us 16 years olds, he played the organ really well and played often for Sacrament meeting. He was an excellent speaker too.

He also hired me to come to his home office on Mondays after school to file - I loved feeling like I had a real job! (Although I hated filing as much then as I do now!!)

But soon everyone found out about his exceptional talents and abilities and he was called to the High Council. I remember my mother saying that good teachers for the youth always got hauled out for some executive or administrative position. The lousy teachers stayed forever!

I have found this to be sometimes true. Often very good teachers are very good at many other things too - and they are needed in other places.

I would certainly hesitate to classify any long-standing teacher as lousy. Sometimes, however, someone sees the potential in a prospective teacher and keeps them on the job so that they can learn.

And learning is what the gospel is all about.

But we did sorely miss Brother Wood! (And I don't remember who took his place!)

1 comment:

D. Scott said...

Excellent thoughts on teachers in our lives.
I concur, the time to tell them what they meant to you in your life is now.