So what do you notice? The presence of a dish drainer on the drainboard!
Yes, the dishwasher stopped running. The repairman came and told us the motor was rusted - had to be replaced. Some kind of "silent" leak did the damage.
Of course the motor costs as much as a new dishwasher. What is this about "planned obsolesence? (There's a red line under that word - but it's too late to go look it up! Forgive me!!)
Yes, the dishwasher stopped running. The repairman came and told us the motor was rusted - had to be replaced. Some kind of "silent" leak did the damage.
But our good friend Jim - of Mac's Auto - has taken up wood-working as a hobby and made us this lovely cutting board.
So all is not lost in the kitchen.
One of these days we'll have enough time to go look at dishwashers. Or I may give up and go myself. But then it may sit in the carport for a month til Dad has time to install it.
Meanwhile, I'm battling dishpan hands.
i'll buy you some gloves - and think how ecological you are being.
I'm wishing I had as many dishes to do as you!
Empty nest does indeed equal not many dishes - most of the time.
We have not had dishwashers very often since most of the places overseas do not have them. However, Axel is great to come home and do all the dishes from that day. We do the dinner dishes together and it only takes about 5 minutes. I don't do many dishes at all. I figure since I do the dinner, the boys can do the dishes. I clear and help put away but that is the extent of my participation in the dish doing.
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