Monday, October 29, 2012

Airplane Reading

We recently flew to Portland - and lucky for me the newest Grisham had arrived in the mail the day before!!  It was some great airplane reading - and also filled my time when I was babysitting while Sully napped and everyone else went to the kids' games.

Generally speaking I love reading John Grisham novels - some are better than others.  Once there was one I could not plow through - I think it was The Brethren - but generally they do the job for me - that is, they entertain and keep my interest.

This is a really good one - when I told Harry it was not regular Grisham but had a twist that worked well - he said, "Isn't there someone who is wrongly accused?"  Well, there is someone who is wrongly accused, but trust me on this one folks -  the twist works really well.

I won't say anymore - but let me know if you read it!

1 comment:

bonny with a Y said...

ooo - i need to read this.