Sunday, October 21, 2012

My cousin Chaz posted on FB about a comment a band teacher had written in his yearbook.  And it piqued my curiosity,  so I pulled out one of my old yearbooks - the first one I came to in fact - and the comments there were amusing, to say the least.

Let me digress here with some info:  I went to LA Unified Schools - back when they were pretty great schools I might add - and one of the routines they followed was to have students start and finish at the semester.  I started school in February when I was almost 5, and graduated in January, when I was almost 18.

That said, students elected to student body offices served just one semester, and then a new election was held every semester.  We changed our classes every semester too - teachers, students, the whole enchilada.  I frankly think the semester system is superior to the year plan - but I'm in a distinct minority.  I remember being appalled when I discovered that our children would have the same teacher - or teachers - for an entire year!  What if you didn't like the teacher - or the class? 

Back to the point I had in mind when I started this - some of the quotes from the old yearbook pages.  The reason I had to explain is because I had been elected Student Body President in June - and would serve for my last semester in high school.  It was a close race - I won by 17 votes!!  And I ran against the captain of the football team!  (Who wrote:  "Barbara, Women have no place in government and furthermore you're a dodo.  Drop dead!  Bad luck!")

I will acknowledge that I was not the first girl elected at my school - there had been one a couple of years before me.  But it was quite a few years after me before another girl got elected.  Hopefully I didn't ruin it for the other girls, and it was just a quirk of fate that no more girls got in the "Oval Office" at  GHHS for several years!

So here are some random selections:

"Barbara, I can't believe that next semester will be so wonderful.  Let's bring our usual vice and corruption into student council politics."

"Barbara, I agree with Anne, keep our politics dirty, it's the only way we'll get anything done!!  Good Luck PRESIDENT!!"

"Barbara, good luck and best wishes in your big job next year."

"Good Luck in the coming semester as president Barbara.  Do as good a job as those before you have done and add your touch."

"Barb, Lots of Luck always espicpally (sp) with your High Office.  Your real neat."

"Barbara, To a real good joe.  I want you to get me a lot of favors next semester when your (sic) Queen Barbara.  Best of luck next year and forever."

"To the future Student Body President.  Best of luck "Bossing" the school."

And this one - which puzzles me - the things we forget I guess:

Beautiful Blond.
Famed Student Body Officer.
Fan of Roi Tans
May you always be happy."

Roi Tans???

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