I think Harry feels like he is dragging me into the 21st century!! He really wants me to want an iPhone - his old one or even a new one. But at this point in time - and I won't say I will never change my mind - I really don't want one. I use a cell phone for purely utilitarian reasons. I don't want to be be able to look everything up on the spot. If I can't find it at Pavilions or Target or Kohls or Marshalls or CVS, I pretty much don't need it. That's what the internet is for - the internet I access in the comfort and large print of my desk top computer!!
And I can't read a map to save my soul and I usually won't drive anywhere strange and new without rehearsing the directions several times in advance.
And I really don't like tiny touch screens. Maybe if my fingers shrink up I will be interested. I'm not sure how all the men with large fingers are so adept at using them - but my little keyboard on my phone suits me perfectly. Since I really don't get a large quantity of calls - and Harry usually shares all the calls I don't get - I'm covered.
And I'd rather read my emails on the big screen.
But I digress. For Mother's Day, Harry got me a dock for the old iPhone. And he loaded all the cd's we have that he thought I loved onto it - and now I can serenade myself in the kitchen to my heart's content.
Maybe he is not really trying to drag me into the 21st century. Maybe he is just thoughtful and considerate.
Although every time we sit down to watch something on the new flat screen TV, he gives me a little tutorial about how to use it.
But I've still never used it by myself. There hasn't been anything I wanted to watch so badly that I wasn't willing to wait until someone more technologically savvy showed up to show me how to do it.
And the grandkids usually know how to do it!
But I love my music!
(P.S. The California Cutting Board came from Bonny!! I love it too!)
My kids want me to have an iPhone as well but I only want to have a cell phone to leave in the car. A land line is OK for everything else. I don't want to be available 24/7. I remember when we had time for other things and now everyone wants to check everything all the time.
NOT ME> I do like my music as well and I have an iPod. IT is OLD but it works.
I love the California cutting board. It is beautiful.
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