Friday, September 20, 2013

50 years - and still going strong!!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of my graduation from high school.  There is a reunion planned for tomorrow night - but I'm not going.  I'm not going for several reasons - cost, distance to name two - but mainly because when I saw the RSVP list, I realized that no one was coming that I'd even thought about once in the last 50 years!!

To explain - I graduated in January - and the class sponsoring the event is the June class after us - so they haven't really focused on the January crew.  And no one on the January crew cared enough to get something of our own together.

But 5 of my high school - and elementary and junior high friends - and I are getting together on Sunday afternoon for lunch - here at my house.

I always enjoy these women - the configurations change some each time we get together because some live out of state - but it's always fun.

I'll be sure and report and post photos!!

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