Monday, May 22, 2023

On Birthdays

 My May birthday calendar is full of birthdays - close family birthdays, extended family birthdays, friends birthdays, strangers birthdays - lots and lots of birthdays.

And I have a birthday in May. As a child, birthdays were pretty important to me - but they really weren't terribly important in my family. I have not done any research, but I suspect that in times past, birthdays might not have held the significance they do today.

Some of that probably has to do with the fact that many did not even know their date of birth. Before written language and recorded history, birthdays were often a matter of conjecture. Recently listened to a Daily podcast that enumerated the societal problems caused - in our day - by the unavailability of birth - and death - records for a large portion of the earth's population.

So I was delighted many long years ago when my sister planned a surprise 22nd birthday party for me. And my mom curled your hair the night before your birthday - a random pretty hair day was a treat indeed. She also let you choose the dinner menu and cake flavor. Best of all though, you didn't have to do your chores on your birthday.

My grandma Stevens always brought us gifts. Alice had a birthday in April, so she brought them both out in April - they were always the same, just a different color, so the surprise element was muted. But as kids who didn't get lots of new stuff, the gifts were still a delight.

I have been celebrating birthdays this month - in person for several - which isn't always the case - but I love it. Polly's 8th. Lee's 4th, Francis' 8th, Zeke's 2nd - and more to come.

"If I had a wish, then it would be, a happy, happy birthday to you from me!"


Eliza said...

Thankful to have you with us to celebrate Polly’s! Bummer we’ll miss yours, but I’ll be celebrating you from afar.

Alice said...

It was always fun to have birthdays. There was always a crowd to celebrate with you.
You are the birthday queen.